First Words with Peppa is a levelled reading series of Peppa Pig Storybooks and Sticker Activity Books, suitable for children who are learning to read, or are learning English as a foreign language.
First Words with Peppa is a levelled reading series of Peppa Pig Storybooks and Sticker Activity Books, suitable for children who are learning to read, or are learning English as a foreign language.
First Words with Peppa is a levelled reading series of Peppa Pig Storybooks and Sticker Activity Books, suitable for children who are learning to read, or are learning English as a foreign language.
First Words with Peppa is a levelled reading series of Peppa Pig Storybooks and Sticker Activity Books, suitable for children who are learning to read, or are learning English as a foreign language.
First Words with Peppa is a levelled reading series of Peppa Pig Storybooks and Sticker Activity Books, suitable for children who are learning to read, or are learning English as a foreign language.
Бела метална страна за пишување со маркер и за ставање магнети ● Страна за пишување со креда ● Променлива ролна хартија ● Прилагодлива висина и наклон ● Додатоци ● Обоена со бои на водена основа